Thread: Mod Insectoids
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Old March 10th, 2010, 09:46 AM
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Default Re: Insectoids

Originally Posted by evilreign View Post
how exactly does this mod work?

I must be doing something wrong because i cant summon anything and there are no spawns. i am stuck wuth just the starting troops.
Caveat: I haven't played this, just looked at it briefly.

It appears (since there are no recruitables) that you need to take an awake pretender and use that to cast summoning rituals to obtain the "queen" type units, who will then domsummon "worker/soldier" type units (i.e. a number will appear each turn depending on the strength of your dominion.) So, basically, you'll need:
1) An awake pretender (probably only the custom one.)
2) A relatively high dominion (so the domsummon is effective)
3) Paths appropriate to casting the relevant summoning rituals.

I haven't checked for any mod conflicts, so it's possible if you also have other mods installed that some of the necessary units or spells are overwritten. This mod is not too recent, so it's unlikely to have been updated to mesh with e.g. recent versions of CBM or the like.

Note that since your domain causes population loss (albeit much less than e.g. LA Ermor), there might be some give/take balance factors re: high dominion.
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