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Old March 10th, 2010, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: Range in Assassinations/Death Matches

Originally Posted by Corporal Clegg View Post
Ah, my love for Pangaea might just grow...
I can hear the groans now. You just HAD to mention Pangaea with HIM in the thread

One of my favorites. If you give a Pan, the Black Heart, you get a FUN assassin.
The assassination makes sure combats are one-on-one. Set him for Charm and/or HellBind (he can usually do both). Give him NO followers.

Whether he assassinates or charms doesnt matter. He always tosses a couple of maenads into the province so you get a combat view of things every turn. A great way to know for sure exactly how many more commanders and whether they are worth messing with. He can take provinces without ever leaving stealth.

Its a great way to wander around behind enemy lines, grab a province, tax it to death while he sends an army to take it back. Force enemies to invest in PD more than they had planned and keep a large roaming army in territory they thought was safe.
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