Originally Posted by Ballbarian
Select the pure white pixels 'by color'.
Copy and paste them to a new layer.
Scale the image.
Edit the new layer:
Select by color & then fill the diluted pixels with pure white and then merge the layers.
Ah, good -- thanks Ballbarian. I'll do that. What image size do you recommend as a playable size for that puppy?
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Wow, nice editing.
It looks playable. I think Id make sure that the island in the upper left corner is no-start.
If you generate a map with a higher mountains setting you can get lots of choke points. Check out some of my maps on www.Dom3Minions.com
Thanks, Gandalf. Yeah, that island would be a brutal starting point for sure. Will do -- though my later intent will be to mark 40 or 50 provinces as possible start provinces and avoid the #nostart methodology (for the same reason I did so in the Glory map redo -- SemiRandom compatibility).
Hey! I had done a lot of scrounging around for Dom maps, and I somehow missed that page. Checking it out -- really nice!
What mountains setting do you use? For this map I went with 30.