Gah. I was wrong. It worked, but not like a charm.
GIMP fails to properly recognize all 700-some pixels when it resamples, no matter what resampling method I use. It seems to keep completely eliminating anywhere from 30 to 60 of the province marker pixels in that layer, whether I color them all white, pure pink or black. Sinc is the only method that gets them all... but... eh, I don't need each province marker pixel transformed into three. Anyone know of a way to get it to not fudge the results on some of them? Use Photoshop/PSP?
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Yeah most of the Map and Mod lists ignore me. The maps because they are "generated" instead of drawn. But if you want to get around that try playing with GIMPs Sepia function to make it look like an old-style pirate map.
I give an example of my full generating string here.
I like to run them in batches of 100 at night when I go to bed, then look for a particularly good one in the morning. [ . . . ]
Thanks for the tips and the reference to the GIMP land generation trick.
Wow, 100 a night... I took a long time (a week or more) to do 50, but then I was doing them all at 8000x6000, which is now seeming pretty crazy in retrospect. And I wasn't doing it with any automated scripting or anything.
But it looks like a nice stash of maps you got there.