Its always a surprise to the multiplayers here how many folks play Dom3 solo.

Most of the people in this forum are MP players. Ive been playing Dominions thru 1, 2, and now 3. And I still love solo games. Thats my true answer. Dont let the jaded turn you away.
Of course no AI is good AI for most people. But this is one better than most games which tend to be barely capable of keeping you interested thru the tutorial. And learning the game well can take almost a year if you want. Of course the forums here will be glad to tell you how to make the AI worthless if you want to know in a hurry.
Then there are maps, mods, various ways to extend the AI. Ive spent this much on many games that lasted a month on my machine. I can safely say that this game outdoes that.
I suppose I should turn the demo games back on at the server. Thanks for the suggestion Ink.