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Old March 11th, 2010, 07:37 AM

13lackGu4rd 13lackGu4rd is offline
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Default Re: Question before buying!

I'm surprised nobody mentioned this yet but Dominion3's(and 1+2 as well for that matter) Multiplayer is not your standard Multiplayer in other games, be it RTS(Red Alert, Starcraft, Age of Empires, etc), FPS(Counterstrike, Doom, Quake, etc) RPG(World of Warcraft, Neverwinter Nights, etc), or others.

in the Dominions series Multiplayer is mostly played by PBEM(played by email) which means that you don't need to wait for other people to get online before you can actually play together with them. instead the host puts up a game on a server(Llamaserver is the most popular, but there are others such as Gandalf's) than everybody submits their turns whenever they complete them. when all turns are submitted the server processes all the turns at once and than sends each player his new turn.

this however does have some key differences compared to the more standard Multiplayer types. since it's a PBEM system each Multiplayer game takes quite a while, Blitzes can be fast but if they drag on for some reason than they can also become long. standard games can take months to complete, especially if played on large maps.

another thing is that your time spent while playing(be it Singleplayer or Multiplayer for that matter, is in a static environment, so if you don't like this type of games than don't bother at all... if you do like them however than Dominions3 is 1 of the best games of the genre, very complex and with a very steep learning curve.

so overall, if you enjoy this type of games than I'm sure you'd enjoy Dominions, both on Singleplayer and Multiplayer. also before saying "I'm not a Multiplayer person" I'd suggest you try it first, because it's different from the majority of Multiplayer games.
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