many games have decent AI because the game world consists of a limited number of state - action pairs (by limited think around only a billion or so).
dominions has so many state action pairs: how many of each kind of troop in what province in what time of the year with how much gold and how many resources available with what level of research with what magic items currently available with what sorts of enemies in the adjacent province... Each change (one extra or one less gold piece or some troop) is a different state. for one province there are probably trillions and trillions of state-action pairs (and additional provinces enter the equation factorially)
games with limited discrete states can enumerate them all: thus why a computer can now pretty much always beat a human opponent at chess if allowed to. It is really possible to enumerate all the possible states of chess, and it is a markov model (history really doesn't matter) so that simplifies things even more, and all it has to do is pick the next move that maximizes its benefit given every possible move which could occur after that.
other games can provide a pretty exhaustive ontology, or just script the AI, and pretty much just tell it what to do given some set of states.
I'd think a learning agent is pretty much out of the question for dominions, I think good AI will only occur from deliberate scripting. I don't know how JK has it programmed right now, but I'd guess its some sort of scripting. But that's still a lot of scripting to do.
For a game like Mount and Blade AI is a non-issue. Sure it pretty much picks troops at random, but it doesn't matter so much. And they pick enemies at random too, but once again its moot. In the battles the scripting is pretty simple:
if have bow:
if have horse:
stay away from enemies and shoot arrows
else: shoot arrows
else: rush at enemy
So the AI doesn't really have a lot of work to do. Not so for Dominions. For a game like Dominions these choices are REALLY important, and so its going to be really intensive to program an accurate AI. This is what makes it fun for MP. But I just don't think (OK its my opinion, and its my tastes, I know) that Dominions is fun at all for SP. I owned the game for years, and had played many many MP games, before I ever actually beat an SP game (and it was on Silent Seas wraparound, the smallest map, and that was just about so boring I couldn't finish it).