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Old March 12th, 2010, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: Out of memory: too many Mymallocs

Originally Posted by kennydicke View Post
Not sure. I don't remember why I got the error or how I fixed it. I would suggest downloading a third mod, and trying to load it without alteration. If it works, then you at least know the problem is within the two you already have. I know the late-game diversity mod works fine on my machine.

Another method would be to split your mod into several smaller mods, this helps in locating exactly where the error is. At least, that's how I was taught to find errors in programming.

I don't know that there is a limit to the number of mods you can have, but it does stand to reason. The same goes with text entries in a mod.

I don't see anything in your header that would cause a problem, but I'm relatively inexperienced. Try examining a popular mod for ideas.

You have the format down - is your intention to add names, or replace them?

Thanks for the reply. I did try to download a third mod. I downloaded the insectoid mod in addition to the diversity mod. I went back and played a few turns of a test game using these two mods and they seemed to work ok, all the new spells were present for the diversity mod .. which makes me think the problem is with my mod.

That's a good ides to split my mod. I noticed that the file size of the diversity mod and insectoid mod are each in the 42kb range, but my name-adding mod is 320 kb at this point. Hence, my mod is roughly 8 times the size of each of the other mods, even though it uses no image (.tga) files other than the one intro.

My intent is just to add names. I typically play using large maps and in my average game I have 10 guys named "Taximalgus" for example using Maverni. Just about every leader I have gets duplicated many times over, and I hate that. It's too much of a pain to rename every leader when I get to the point where I'm recruiting several of them every turn, so I figured the best thing is to add 400 to 500 leader-names per nation.

I think what I'll try and do is divide my name-generating mod by specific nations or nameType; this should reduce each nation to under 30kb in size. I did see a reference in one of the other posts that only 4 mods could be active at any time, so logically, if the mods average size is 42kb, then that would put a cap of around 168kb on functional mod-usage file size in Dominions.

Originally Posted by Burnsaber View Post
Originally Posted by Corporal Kindel View Post

################################################## ##############################
## Mod Overview and Description
################################################## ##############################
#modname "MoreNames Dom 3"
#version 3.06
#domversion 3.23b
#icon "diversity/CplK_name_m.tga"

################################################## ##############################
## Names, Names, Names, and more Names !
################################################## ##############################


################################################## ##############################
## Whole slew of new custom names so no-one will ever get duplicated!!!
################################################## ##############################
I'm not sure, but I think that filling the .dm file with "#" sings could mess up it, because it might try to look for a command after each one.

Perhaps replace those signs with "/" or "-" characters?

Also, nice mod idea!

That's a good point, I went back and commented-out the extraneous symbols with the comment function --, but I still have the same error.

My thinking at this point is that it simply has to do with the .DM (mod) file size. I know in Java or other computing languages that comments are just ignored in compiling, but with the DM files (a text file) the comments just increase the overall size of the mod file regardless, so maybe in that sense they're just adding useless & unnecessary baggage?

I don't really understand the relationship to comments, space (as in dominions mod length/size), and functionality (not exceeding memory size or "mymallocs") in Dominions game-modding. Basically, it might be worthwhile to eliminate or greatly reduce comments altogether in dominions mods in the light of what I'm seeing here.

Anyway, what I'll try next is to try a reduced mod (test file) that has just one nationality, like the other guy suggested. This should reduce my file size considerably, perhaps under 30k for just Maverni, and I'll see how that works. If it works, I'll have my answer and what I'll do is break my one large name-generating-mod into 50 smaller ones (one for each of the 50 nameType categories).

Anyway thanks for the replies, I'll let everyone know how the next round of testing goes, and once I get it to work I'll create a name-generating-bundle like I mentioned above and players can just use the one name file from the bundle based on their country or nameType category. If I get it to work, I'll have to test each of the 50 files individually to be sure each works, so I still have a month or more of testing type work ahead of me once I get it to function properly.
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