Originally Posted by Corporal Kindel
That's a good point, I went back and commented-out the extraneous symbols with the comment function --, but I still have the same error.
My thinking at this point is that it simply has to do with the .DM (mod) file size. I know in Java or other computing languages that comments are just ignored in compiling, but with the DM files (a text file) the comments just increase the overall size of the mod file regardless, so maybe in that sense they're just adding useless & unnecessary baggage?
I don't think the parser understands comments per se, and the "--" string isn't documented as a comment indicator (although it's widely used in the mods posted here.) Basically, every instance of a "#" symbol tells the parser that a command follows, and lines without "#" in them are ignored. So something like "--#mycommand" would still be interpreted as a command (although it doesn't always execute correctly, so it probably assumes the command starts a line.)
I would strongly recommend removing the extraneous "#" symbols altogether.
Also, you could try (for testing purposes) eliminating all but say the first dozen or so names from each namelist to see if the mod runs properly then. That should tell you whether it's a syntax/structure issue or a data issue.