LOL! Perhaps I should keep my research to myself, at least until after a
certain Death Match is complete
Nah, that wouldn't be sporting

So, goofing around in SP until a death match happened, and after turning on the grid and counting the squares, I got a battlefield 23 squares wide and 18 high. Assassinations (at least those caused by Earth Attack) occur on the same size field. Units start 6 or seven squares in from the side, or about 11 squares apart (I'll have to goof around in SP some more to see if tactical placement can affect that). And unless someone else specifies otherwise, I'll assume that bodyguards and such will not alter that.
So I guess I've got one last question, that I alluded to earlier - watching an Earth Attack, I noticed that the Earth Elemental, on its turn, only moved 7 squares, even though it has 14 AP. Can someone explain what's going on there (takes two AP to move one square? a unit can only use half its APs the first move in a combat? something else?)? *Uh, see below*
Oh, BTW Illuminated One, thanks for refreshing my memory on the method for inserting extra units into a combat replay! Now I just need theJeff to explain how this Debug mod thingy he speaks of works
*Ah, well what do you know! Decided I might as well check the manual before hitting the "submit reply" button, on the off chance it might contain relevant information, and got this: "A move of one square on the battlefield costs 2 action points to one of the four adjacent squares" (3 to a diagonal square, FYI). Earth Elemental question answered! Who ever said the manual ain't useful