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Old March 13th, 2010, 11:34 AM
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Default Re: Range in Assassinations/Death Matches

Damn Where has this been all my life! Hundreds of hours (OK, as least a few dozen) wasted in ignorance! TheJeff, although I will most certainly crush you and claim victory in Mists of Time ( ), I still think I may owe you my first born, or something of similar value

You know, I've seen the Debug Mod referenced several times, but never gave it much thought (I think I kept reading "Mod" as "Mode", and figured it was some kind of esoteric coder thing only practicably usable by Dominions nerd-mystics.

I don't know how many SP games I've started in the past, and played for hours just to get to the point where I could test out the spell or whatever I wanted to test. Crap, this should be stickied, or somehow be made common knowledge...
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