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Old March 14th, 2010, 06:53 AM
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Default Re: questions about modding a spell


Gregstrom is absolutely right about CPCS, great examples in there.

I modified this from one of mine:

#name "farsummon something else"
#descr "companion to farsummon something"
#school -1 - spell cannot researched
#researchlevel 0 - no research required to cast
#path 0 6 - nature path
#pathlevel 0 1 - N1 required
#damage XXX - input monster ID
#effect 10037 - farsummon
#nreff 1 - summons 1 something else

#name "Summon Something"
#descr "Farsummons something."
#school X - enter variable for school, conjuration is 0
#researchlevel X - enter level of spell, I use 0 for testing
#path 0 6 - nature path
#pathlevel 0 1 - N1 required
#damage XXX - input monster ID
#effect 10037 - farsummon
#fatiguecost 0 - add 100 for each gem you want the spell to cost
#nextspell "farsummon something else"
#nreff 20 - summons 20 somethings

The nextspell must come first, or else the primary spell can't find it. This is pretty similar to what you're going for. Of course you'll want to adjust the researchlevel, path, pathlevel, etc., to your desired taste.
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