I think #nextspells don't check for requirements.
Entirely correct, again, Gregstrom. #path and #pathlevel values are not checked. #researchlevel is a required tag, but it's value isn't checked either. #school is best set at -1, but it isn't necessary - as long as you don't include the tag at all. #fatiguecost value also isn't checked (at least, for rituals - I haven't tested battle spells for this).
#damage, #effect and #nreff values are checked - but if you made the primary spell a farsummon and the nextspell an independent farsummon, they don't happen at the same time, effect order is maintained.
I don't know if #spec or #restriceted values are checked - haven't tested that possibility; it's likely they aren't.
Even if they did, you could get the effect you describe more easily by adding 5000 to the #nreff value, surely?
That is, indeed, a better method anyway.