Originally Posted by kianduatha
While we're on encumbrance...did you know that the armor on Shinuyama and Yomi's Bandits(the melee ones) is superior to Samurai Armor, despite the flavor text of the units outright saying they have bad armor swiped from corpses? Heavy Ashigaru Armor is 14 prot -2 def 2 enc. Samurai armor is 14 prot -2 def 3 enc, and costs more resources.
The only other units(that matters) which use Samurai Armor are the Dai Bakemono for Shinuyama, who have 2 encumbrance right now. Bumping their base encumbrance up to 3 would keep them the same.
Thanks a lot!
I was hesitant to reduce the encumberance of samurai armor, because chain mail cuirass is 14 prot -2 def 2 encumberance and costs 15 resources instead of the 10 that samurai armor costs. So
reducing samurai armor encumberance to 2 seemed a bit unfair.
How much is the resource cost for heavy ashigaru armor?
Either way, it seems reducing samurai armor encumberance makes sense. However perhaps I should increase its resource cost by 1 or 2 to make it more even with other similar armor.
I could also just reduce the base encumberance of LA Jomon samurais, since they're fighting with a single weapon which is a lot less tiring than fighting with a weapon and a shield.
And I agree that the bandits shouldn't be nerfed
I will be posting a new summary together with mod files when there are enough changes.