I'm working hard on making sure that my Dark Lord pretender chassis is awesome. Here's a bit of a WIP image of the sprite being created:
Mostly, this is being done by loosely immitating the movie replica armor pictured here:
...the shoulder blades might have to be omitted for the sake of being kind of ridiculous...
Also, I've done a couple concept sketches for a Balrog, being designed as a summon for the eventual Early Age version of this nation (Angband: Battle of Sudden Flame), but that might double as a possible pretender chassis for Angmar. Balrogs are going to be *hardcore* with fear and awe baseline (being demons of terror and maia before all). The Whip of Many Thongs that all balrogs have will probably be AoE2 fire and have a couple of attacks; on a hit, the target will be entangled. I'm very hesitant to bring up this debate, but I'm unsure whether or not I want my balrogs to have wings, and if any item slots should be unavailable. Finally, I know that I want them to have fire and death magic, but I don't know what peripheral magics they should have. Suggestions welcome!