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Old March 17th, 2010, 01:45 PM
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Default Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]

So most everyone has finished research? I'd be interested to know when. I'm very surprised that TC finished before they were done in - I guess that makes me feel good having fought through all that

Here's full disclosure for Pangaea:

Regular gem income you can see from the charts. Must have been pulling in around 100 or so E gems from Blood Stones as well. Not as useful as S gems of course, but the Blood Stones have good combat use as well. After finishing research, Slave income was steadily increasing, probably close 300 last turn, and going up quickly (lots of Transformed Pans, otherwise unfit for combat, now available; Circle Masters taken from TC; and Garnet Sorceresses; combined with a low need for cash = lots of growth opportunity). I was beginning to spam vampires like mad - might have been fun with Dom push (Jade Knives are easy, cheap temples, Dom-9 pretender chassis) and Army of Lead, etc.. Plus Tarts galore coming on line, Dust Priests, Troll Kings, and so on.

But the victory conditions would have been damn hard to achieve (and a 'traditional' victory damn long) with Pangaea's plodding style of wearing down foes with massive numbers.

Oh, theJeff, you wondered why your bombardments were not so effective? I'd guess Gift of Health helped out a lot there - 20+ HP Maenads, Foul Spawn, Vine Creatures, and such, probably hold up a lot better than the 10+ HP variety. Basically, they were just a big gem sink, although you did kill a few Dryads and Lizard Shamans with valuable gear on them with those spells. But probably not close to what you spent in casting them.

Hm, lots of interesting stuff this game. Maybe I'll write up a little AAR of what I remember after the Elite 8 is over with
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