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Old March 17th, 2010, 08:51 PM
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Baalz Baalz is offline
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Default Re: Favourite Wishes

I'm not a fan of the Seraph. Really big investment (GOR + equipment on top of the wish) makes it very economical to teleport in a bunch of S3+ guys to magic duel in very late game. I prefer Rudra (4 arms D/F/A for cloud trapeze + soul vortex + phoenix pyre. Storm flyer to) or Mendeha (SC with auto darkness - situational but incredibly nasty when you can leverage it). A risen oracle is pretty nasty immortal chasis (one 30 gem empower in D + some D&E gems = summon e-power, invulnerablitly + soul vortex...just toss in whatever weapon seems appropriate)
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