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Old March 18th, 2010, 06:36 AM
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Default Re: Bug Thread: Discussion

Two little bugs I didn't see in the shortlist :

- Very minor one : Voice of Tiamat : unlike others site searching spells, if you cast this spell with several mages, they auto-target the same province, you have to target provinces manually.

- Related to the Chayots, a bug and a big exploit (or WAD maybe, would be justifying the cost of those guys) :
When shape shifting, the Chayot's magic skills changes, but when scripting then for battle, if in your script you pick shape shifting, the next spells he may cast will be of his ancient skill.
IE : your Chayot is in E4 mode, you start your script with Invulnerability, Summon Earthpower, Change Shape. At that point, the Chayot will be able to cast only Astral spells, but you can script him with only Earth spells.

The exploit : when giving them magic boosters, they got the effects for any magic school related to one of their shapes. IE if they're in E4 mode and you give them a Starshine Scullcap, they'll be E4S1. The same for spell bonuses : I casted Summon Earthpower for reinvig, then changed shape for the astral form, he kept the E bonus and was E1S4.
Maybe WAD to justify the prohibitive cost of these guys, but seems like a big exploit to me.

Just for fun, without empowerment :

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