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Old March 20th, 2010, 01:36 PM

Maerlande Maerlande is offline
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Default Re: End of Time 3 - Running

Thanks everyone for a great game. This one had lots of great play and no drama. Gotta love that. Congratulations to Jomon/Juffos for superb turtle play and keeping me in the dark until the end on his massive power.

For the majority of the mid-late game I though I had a win in sight. Pretty exciting for my first MP game, but I'll happily take second in such a big and hard game.

Juffos: I'd really love to see your last turn now. Would you upload it? I'm damn sure I was a goner but of course it would be nice to have verification.

Amazing play by everyone. Thanks to all those who played in the early mid and got eliminated. Everyone did a great job of playing to the bitter end. Especially thanks to Ctis and Utgard for hanging on a making my life hell even when overwhelmed. You guys just never let up the pressure so I could not focus on Jomon.

And last but not least. Congratulations to Juffos for out playing me in diplomacy.

Last edited by Maerlande; March 20th, 2010 at 01:38 PM.. Reason: typos
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