I learned a BUNCH of things I had never even thought about before!!!
One good thing that did come out of this game is that Sept now has a grasp on how he wants to handle turns and he won't face that problem agian.
It seems to me that the other team games where settled a lot quicker than this one was ( I subbed on the Noob side against Baalz and his minions). As this game went on it became more intricate than anything I have ever been involved in. I think everyone (lol, except maybe Chris as he thrives in this environment) was getting just a little burnt out as the game could hinge on EVERY turn, It takes it's toll.
I just want to say, in all honesty I respect AND admire all of you guys on all teams. You are all so much more knowledgeable than I am that I felt like I was running just to keep in sight of your dust.
I am certainly not mad at anyone, I just felt like I was getting blasted for getting my turn in at the last moment and the machine kept faulting and made me look more incompetent than I am/was.
Thanks for everything, I have no idea who won except me for all I learned!!