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Old March 20th, 2010, 09:16 PM

nordlys nordlys is offline
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Default Re: Wish-List for Dominions 4

A thought occured to me: the current point-distribution scheme for research is too generic and unthematic. I'd make it so an invididual researcher can only focus at one school at a time, kind of like Hearts of Iron 2 with its researcher teams being assigned to specific projects. The current interface could remain as a shortcut to mass-switch multiple researchers from one project to the next, but finetuning it on point-by-point basis would go. At very least, spreading a researcher across several projects would severely penalize his output. In addition, an aptitude to a specific school could develop over time, a newly assigned student would work less effectively, but with time spent on uninterrupted research of a single school his output would increase to nominal and more.

And then of course the classic 4x random events like "your researchers found a nether scroll, your alteration research was boosted" or "a drunk janitor set fire to your research records, 200 points of evocation research lost".

Come to think of it, the stealth units could have a bunch of diversionary actions like "sabotage research", "set fire to a temple" etc too...
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