Originally Posted by Fantomen
Woodlands increase quantity and temples increase quality. But I beleive this is only true for Carrion woods, and has no effect on reanimation done by priests or through ritual spells.
If we are still referring to Pangaea reanimating, that is not true. In non-forest provinces the Pangaean reanimators (either the Carrion summons, or undead priests you have got your hands on them somehow) summon only standard manikin. In forests with temples they reanimate all sorts of carrin things, from the useless wingless carrion-harpies to stuff-for-legends carrion elephants (basically the same thing as the Death spell Behemoth, except the carrion elephant is green and doesn't cost gems

A Luck-scale is good to have if you want to recieve the good ones (forest+temple is *needed* though). You'll get more carrions if you have a Growth scale. So, in a grassland province with Death or Neutral-growth scale you will very likely recieve just at most 1 single manikin.