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Old March 21st, 2010, 08:28 PM
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Default Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (0.86)


Some other weapon than scimitar for mubarizun would look good as currently they're scimitar infantry with different colors, but I really have no clue what weapon would be somewhat historical, balanced and look cool.
Arabian Weapons that might fit the bill:
Acinaces (short sword)
Saif (scimitar with a normal curve)
Shamshir (scimitar with a dramatic curve)
Tabar Zin (short- or long-shafted, crescent-bladed battle-axe)
Sagaris (long-shafted battle-axe, pick-axe or hammer)

Cool fact: The Tabar Zin is sometimes carried as a ceremonial weapon by modern-day wandering dervishes.

I like this nation pretty well; not too strong, not too weak. Is the camel commander supposed to have 'bite' instead of 'camel bite'?

My bro liked it, too. He had a strange problem with the scimitars: they were all 7-1-1-2 and magic - must have been a conflict with another mod.

Also, your maps are my favorites.
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