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Old March 21st, 2010, 08:54 PM

earcaraxe earcaraxe is offline
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Default Re: MA Oceana - OMG, I think I've done it

why is cold scale a good idea for underwater nations?

nice guide tho, grats! not just for the substance but for the very enjoyable style also!

Originally Posted by Baalz View Post
.....? I thought what I just did was a very decided death slant on Oceana. You've a hard sell to convince me I missed the death angle on them. Your point is I didn't mention burden of time? It's incredibly situational depending on who your adversaries are and who you can afford to piss off, if it's likely to be dispelled, and if you've got pressing needs for your death gems. I try to keep my guides under a certain length so that people will actually read the whole thing, which means I don't go into detail of everything you can do. Yes, I agree that death scales make a whole lot of sense for Oceana, but I didn't really talk about scales at all. Cold-3 also makes a lot of sense for all underwater nations. I think a lot of what you mention is very situational.

I also did, in fact, mention that laying quickness on the centaurs complements their lance nicely. Haste does not affect first strike (it makes you use less AP to move, doesn't give you AP) and friendly currents doesn't make a significant difference.
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