Originally Posted by kennydicke
Some other weapon than scimitar for mubarizun would look good as currently they're scimitar infantry with different colors, but I really have no clue what weapon would be somewhat historical, balanced and look cool.
Arabian Weapons that might fit the bill:
Acinaces (short sword)
Saif (scimitar with a normal curve)
Shamshir (scimitar with a dramatic curve)
Tabar Zin (short- or long-shafted, crescent-bladed battle-axe)
Sagaris (long-shafted battle-axe, pick-axe or hammer)
Cool fact: The Tabar Zin is sometimes carried as a ceremonial weapon by modern-day wandering dervishes.
I like this nation pretty well; not too strong, not too weak. Is the camel commander supposed to have 'bite' instead of 'camel bite'?
My bro liked it, too. He had a strange problem with the scimitars: they were all 7-1-1-2 and magic - must have been a conflict with another mod.
Also, your maps are my favorites.
Thanks. Good to hear you like the nation (and my maps for that matter) and good to hear that you think it's not over or underpowered
Camel Commanders should definately have camel bite. I forgot to change it for them apparently.
The swords would look pretty much like the scimitar anyway and the axes seem to be a bit persian. Then again the dervishes are pretty persian too, so I'll have to think about it.
On other news, I just noticed the castles for most terrains are "Simple Hillfort" or something like that. What castles should I get to what terrains?
Plains is obviously fortified city. If I get no better input for others I'll make other terrains have generic 800 gold fortresses that have better adm than the 5 the "Simple Hillfort" has.