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Old March 22nd, 2010, 09:29 PM
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Default Re: MA al-Nadim - The thousand and one nights (0.86)


Thanks. Good to hear you like the nation (and my maps for that matter) and good to hear that you think it's not over or underpowered
You're welcome, but I'm not a good judge.

The swords would look pretty much like the scimitar anyway and the axes seem to be a bit persian. Then again the dervishes are pretty persian too, so I'll have to think about it.
There's always the old standby: spears.

On other news, I just noticed the castles for most terrains are "Simple Hillfort" or something like that. What castles should I get to what terrains?
The 'simple hillforts' give them a more nomadic, Bedouin-type feel. I think 'ramparts', 'motte-and-baileys' and even 'simple fortresses' could give the same feel with a better admin value, if that's your goal.
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