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Old March 23rd, 2010, 05:18 AM
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Default Re: 3 possible behavioural bugs?

Originally Posted by Squirrelloid View Post
Originally Posted by Edi View Post
1) Oblique missile fire hits less often because the distance is greater. Instead of using the Pythagoras equation for calculating real distance (a^2+b^2=c^2 and then deriving c), the distance is calculated as a+b, so it's much longer. Hence less accurate.
And how is this not a bug? Missiles don't follow the manhattan metric when moving! That the game calculates distance that way is clearly wrong, and should be fixed.
It's not a bug because it has been designed to work that way for reasons known to Johan K. I don't know those reasons, but I do know that it is working as it is supposed to within the framework of the mechanics. It just uses the Manhattan metric for calculation and that's not broken.

I agree that it is not ideal and would much prefer for it to use the Pythagoras metric, but again, I have no idea whether fixing it would be more trouble than it is worth. I have no idea whether that would break something or not, but chances are that it could very well do so.

The difference between bugs and features is often one of perception, but from the standpoint of bug management, this is currently a feature.
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