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Old March 23rd, 2010, 06:46 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: YARG - Yet Another RAND Game [7/19 players alive]

Congrats to Midgard. My guess is Midgard is Isokron ftw. And it was looking pretty ominous for everyone else even before RL forced me to bow out as Man somewhere around turn 50.

I'll try to write a AAR when I find time to cover the uneventful campaign that was Man. Not much to mention, but a few scolds to hand out to those who gave away nation id's, and a mention about the OP starting location Pythium had. (A ridiculous 7 provinces automatically safeguarded at the start due to the connection between 200+219 being cut. Bad map editing someone, as Pythium cap should have been a lot further East than it was, or the connection kept open)

And thanks to the players, and of course the fabulous and selfless admin work done by rdonj. Hope I didn't annoy you too much with my regular pokes regarding stalers and pestering for sub-finding

Edit: @ Wraith - I'd potentially be up for a CBM sequal. will try to gather some ideas for it (can't think of any right now though tbh, apart from my usual requsts of a wrap-around map and not having caps marked with bullseyes)

Last edited by Calahan; March 23rd, 2010 at 06:59 AM..
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