Originally Posted by Edi
1) Oblique missile fire hits less often because the distance is greater. Instead of using the Pythagoras equation for calculating real distance (a^2+b^2=c^2 and then deriving c), the distance is calculated as a+b, so it's much longer. Hence less accurate.
It's not exactly the Mannhattan metric, there is a little correction in the formula for things that don't go straight but mostly diagonal. I have given the formula used by the game in
this post. The reason that this mostly linear metric is chosen instead of the Euclidean metric is mostly to speed up processing, I'd guess, as distances, ranges and movements are computed a lot during hosting.
Originally Posted by Edi
2) Army movement happens according to nation number, from what I've seen. Nation with lowest number goes first, so they always move before you do. This is not as it should be, but I suspect fixing it at this point would be far more work than it is worth.
I haven't checked now, but I'd guess that movement happens according to nation number, but randomly from top to bottom or from bottom to top, as it happens for a couple of other things - rituals, for example. That's what JK does to avoid the usage of higher level data structures instead of arrays, while still being somewhat fair to all the players. If you want to really make sure that you get an artifact that's available, then you should forge it twice, once with a unit with a very low unit id, and once with a unit with a very high unit id.