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Old March 23rd, 2010, 08:48 AM

Curious Yellow Curious Yellow is offline
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Default A couple of questions (teleporting communions, fire gem use)

I have two questions and thought I'd gather them in one post.

1: I have a bunch of (2a, 2s) sorceresses I want to use in a reverse communion to spam thunderstrikes. The idea is for two communion masters to cast storm power and power of the spheres, giving all the slaves 4a for thunderstrikes. As I understand it, the key to this is for the masters to be below the slaves in the unit list. How does this work if the communion members are all cloud trapezing directly to the location of the battle? If all are originating from the same province, is their order preserved upon arrival? Any way to know what the final order will be if they come from different provinces?

2: Second, how important do people feel it is to expand into fire magic? Playing as Man in a game (midgame), I have lucked into a modest fire income due to finding combined F/E sites. Either I can transmute it to astral which is really useful for me right now, or I can try to save up 50 to empower a lamia queen. This will let her forge flaming skulls and fever fetishes, and she could cast augury. The latter could be good, because I am pretty sure I am sitting on a couple of good fire sites (one spreads heat, the other spreads turmoil). The turmoil-spreading site has recruitable fire mages, unless I'm mistaken. But I'm not sure how useful fire really is at this point, so it could be a lot of effort for not much benefit. Are there any special fire spells or synergies that would make this worthwhile?
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