Originally Posted by Burnsaber
Originally Posted by sansanjuan
Is it the "Fire" command to direct a Harbinger unit use their Heavenly Horn?
Yes, it's basically a ranged weapon.
Originally Posted by sansanjuan
Also what use are the Angles of the Heavenly Choir. Their stats remind me of choir boys. I suppose one could GoR them and equip them. -ssj
Well, they're angles so you can use them measure if your screen is the right angle. :P
But seriously, if you have good bless they can be a good meat screen for a communion. They can become solid fighters if you pile up some buffs on them, like weapons of sharpness and something to boost their prot. Their awe provides good amount of protection as long as you are not facing undead or berserkers. They're not great, but can be useful in some situations.
thanks for the reply. Does weapons of sharpness work with "fists"?
I've always had some bizarre dyslexia regarding angels and angles.