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Old March 24th, 2010, 10:04 AM

hoo hoo is offline
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Default Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]

Congrats to Pan and sorry I missed it. I was debating sending a Chayot equipped with either a) the unique 2 handed sword that banishes to inferno or b) Summitt/Aegis. Would also have had the monolith army for protection/regen, boots of calus for endo, and ardamon's soul trap for insta undead warriors & mages.

A good game that sadly fizzled as I think it was a long way for ending and the turns were more of a chore than a pleasure for most players. By the end, I think I have 10+ chayots/serpahs, 2 air queens, a host of golems/irondragons probably about 60% of the unique artifacts. I had a construction bonus site so I was pumping out multiple iron dragons/golems a turn. I also had the blood 40 or 50 site as well as a few other bonus sites like evocation.

I was going to unleash an offensive on Van aimed at taking 30 provinces around one of the capitols and being able to construct a lab and then take over one of the main armies using gateway. I know that Van probably had enough for about 100 seeking arrows saved up so I was preparing counters for that. I would lost a lot but I had a few other tricks up my sleeve since I had a lot of mobility and magic diversity. Still don't think it would have been enough unless Atlantis was able to get going.
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