Originally Posted by Baalz
The only complication is if they're coming from different provinces there is no way for you to tell what the order will be
Its better to say that there is no easy way to do it, rather than it being impossible.
The only way you can test ordering of units in different provinces is to temporarily give them move orders to a common province and then use the 'y' key to check their mutual ordering (before reassigning them back to cloud trapezee). Temporarily equipping boots of flying can make this process much easier. Of course, you cant do this to every unit you want to check - but the unit ordering is static across your empire. So if you test the first/last unit from province A against the first/last unit in province B, you will understand how their orderings interact. You can then chain this testing from one set of labs to the next to determine the full ordering of every mage involved, assuming they are all within 6 provs of each other.
While it is a fair amount of micro-management to do the above tests - the results can be invaluable. Allowing you to reliably land communions composed of mages from across your entire empire.