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Old March 25th, 2010, 01:20 AM

Maerlande Maerlande is offline
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Default Dystopia - new poor game (Running)

Hi folks,

I want to credit QM with the insanity of Forge of Godhood. Some of us on IRC think it's a neat idea but needs some adjustment to make a game that might actually end with a win for someone.

So here's my new plan for a poor game.

Map: Streamlands by Elmoki (great map maker)
Era: Middle
Players: 12-15
Magic site freq: 0
Gold multiple: 50
Resource multiple: 50
Supply: 100
Research: Very difficult
Independents: 9
CBM 1.6
Endgame Diversity Mod by LlamaBeast
Zlefins F/W Thugs
Please download the following Combined mod prepared by Sombre for this game.

Hall of Fame: 15
Graphs: On

Host Schedule:
24h until otherwise requested

Cummulative: Capitals are the only VPs. 15 vps are required.

Other rules:
No trading (meaning no sending gold/slaves/items/gems)
Breaking of alliances and NAPs should acceptable/expected
No magic above level 8 on pretenders (to prevent complete domination of blesses)
Water nations are allowed. Simply because I want to play Ryleh. But note, this map is very unfriendly to water nations which is a deliberate choice.

I might be open to negotiate some of these terms but frankly I doubt it. I'm too ornery and stubborn. Try me if you really want.

Folks who played Forge will remember a number of problems. It's very difficult to move forward after the middle game due to the overwhelming selection of D3 scalse. Also water nations can turtle forever which is why I've chosen a much more unfriendly map for water.

Cummulative victory points was chosen for the simple reason that once all the people have died, making armies large enough to take more capitals becomes nearly impossible.

I've chosen not to ban any nations. The freespawn nations like Pan and Ermor have some advantages but they were shown to be as much challenge as they were advantage.

Come on down for some bloody hard work. These are tough games but I had so much fun in Forge I want to repeat the insanity.


1) Ryleh - Maerlande
2) Vanheim - don_Pablo
3) Caelum - LoloMo
4) Pythium - legolajrt
5) T'ien Ch'i - Sir_Dr_D
6) Mictlan - zlefin
7) Pangaea - LumenPlacidum
8) Agartha - FrozenLama
9) Bandar Log - Squirrelloid
10) Jotunheim - Zeldor
11) Abysia - Graeme_Dice
12) C'tis - GameExtremist
13) Ulm - StaggerLee
14) Machaka - Fantomen
15) Man - Rytek

Game is up.
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Last edited by Maerlande; April 23rd, 2010 at 05:30 PM.. Reason: update victory conditions
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