Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [enlisting open]
No Cbm is an oversight, it will be included and Mictlan WAS banned just not listed...Abysia was on the bubble also depending on who took it...
His idea was to try and get noobs in and not have stealth or water nations..Lanka for a noob is hard to play so he left it in.
I think all those that think that his game is skewed in a direction are probably too good to play in it anyway....
Look guys..he started D&G and most of the noobs where gone in a flash, so he decided to make some balancing rules...they may not be the best but they aren't bad considering he is a noob himself.
And tir being weak is maybe laughable. but it is a stealth nation by definition so it is out. He will only take 4 vets and if he feels they will unbalance the game he will not accept them...C'mon guys, give him a break...he wants some vets but wants them playing weak nations to give the noobs some learning and test your prowess.
If you have any suggestions please make them known and he will consider them.