Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [enlisting open]
Well, just to weigh in my opinion - while stealth can be leveraged as a tool, it's not too good to warrant a banning of a nation. I realize that this is your game, and you make the rules, but ea van and tnn are quite weak nations. Helheim can be slightly more powerful due all the death magic you can get access to with national mages. I can see why such early game rush powers (especially since this is vanilla and not CBM game) such as mictlan, hinnom and niefelheim would be banned from the game.
I'd also like to inquire what "aggressive play style" for a vet means - it's considered quite normal to attack a weak(er) neighbor(s) to gain lands, gold&gem income and more land. I know that vets can do this much more efficiently and counter this much more efficiently than newbies/intermediate players, but the problem lies in that if you don't do that, you (usually) lose the game. Turtling might work for a few nations, but it'll almost always detriment your long-term game. Some nations are easier to deal in early/midgame with other nations, and they grow in power the later the game goes - eg. Kailasa and T'ien Ch'i and quite a few MA/LA nations which are not relevant here, as this is an EA game.