Rounding up a few things....
Originally Posted by WingedDog
Thank you very much for your efforts.  .
Originally Posted by Lingchih
Those sound like good modifications, Calahan. Thanks for all the work. I would prefer nice, fixed starting locations for a game of this size.
No problems guys, I'm only too happy to help where I can

Just hope I've done a good enough job of it.
Originally Posted by Zeldor
Ok, nations are rolled and sent to rdonj.
Best thing about Early Era for me is that Zeldor can't give me bloody Man again like he did when rolling nations for YARG1 and Forge of Godhood
(***Smile immediately wiped as I don't even need rdonj to contact me to already know Zeldor has given me someone like Agartha

@ WraithL - I vote for 10 VP's.
@ rdonj - Many thanks once again for offering to admin the game. Wouldn't be possible without your kind help and assistance. And I look forward to bombarding you endlessly with PM's whenever I spot a staler
@ Zeldor - Thanks for rolling the nations once again.
From the YARG1 thread
Originally Posted by WingedDog
......P.S. Glad to see you back, Cal. 
Glad to be back WingedDog

and certainly happy to see you still around my friend. Along with all the other usual forum suspects. Now if my real life could just stop interfering with my real life, everything would be absolutely fantastic!
Edit: Damn, I passed the 1,000 posts mark without even noticing. I had a big party planned for it and everything

Wonder if I get a telegram off shrapnel or something for achieving this milestone?