Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [enlisting open]
First of all: thanks for showing interest in my little game! I hope the first post has listed the correct names/nations so far. If there's an error let me know. Welcome, all new rulers!
Graeme, I am affraid Kailasa is taken by 13lack. Mictlan was his first choice, but he had to change obviously due to the banlist. First come, first served I am afraid. I hope you dont mind.
As an experienced player you're more than welcome to join! As long as you're going to play a weaker nation just like Grudge.
Quitti, I understand you sentiments about playstyle and the need fo agressiveness in a game of Dom3, but there's a big difference in efficiency, like you pointed out yourself.
An experienced player will know exactly in how many steps he can make his warmachine running at full speed, whereas noobs have a more trial and error approach to their empire management.
Just like in realtime strategy games like C&C it's just not fun at all to get totally steamrolled over in the first minutes of a game.
Same goes here. In Civ 4, for example, many noob games restrict the vets from engaging outside of their influence zone. Only noobs may do so. That makes for a very nice environment where new players can experiment with tactics while at the same time fighting amongst themselves, but choosing which vet to take on. Great system and I am aiming for roughly something in that direction here, hence all the rules. I hope this makes it a bit more clear?