Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [full]
There is a post in the Forum called 'Naps", A number of vetern players give examples of Naps and different results, I reccomend you read could make or break your game, AND reputation in the game.
Following is MY post in that discussion
Wow.....Nap's, it seems like it comes up every now and then and after that we get a bunch of angry players.
I will give you some options and then what I do personally.
1. MAKING A NAP.... Some people (like myself)think it is best to 'register' a nap in the forum. Something very simple (Arco and Ulm agree to a 3 turn nap)clear up to a three paragraph document where they (I actually have seen one of these)spell everything out agreement.
Others think it wise NOT to list it as it may give away where you are (if Arco has a Nap with Ulm and you know where Ulm is...then you can approximate where Arco is). As well as being able to ask for Arco's help if you want to break the Nap with Ulm.
Canceling a Nap...
All the options in the above posts are 'Correct' as there is no absolute right or wrong.
I always cancel a Nap in the forum but I don't always notify the person by PM. Some cancel by PM but do not put it in the forum.
Let me explain the 2 differences...
1. Cancel in the Forum..if you cancel it in the forum it is there for all to see, I feel that you should run by the forum everyday to see what is going on, extensions, wars, etc (a lot of good info). I also feel it is not my fault if you DON'T read the forum and all of a sudden you are attacked.
However, if you post in the forum, the others may see an opportunity to wait a few turns and pile on, Guess the choice is yours.
There is ALWAYS a question of what '3 turns' is and they can be crucial. You read the example's in earlier posts, now let me give you one some of the older guys have used before, (and it makes perfect sense...but it is REALLY a LOT different).
Announcement in forum...
"Arco breaks nap with Ulm turn 21 hostilities may begin on turn 23." Think about that for a moment, if it is before the turn hosts then 21 is turn 1 and 23 is turn 3. Some have different feelings of what 3 turns are and when you can attack...but if they spell it out in the forum and there is no rebuttal...then on turn 23, they fire away, 1 turn earlier than others may feel is right (AND catch you unaware).
Not saying it is right, but it iS right there in the forum for you to dispute.
I think everyone will agree that ANY troop of any kind (Skeptic, Stealth Troops, even an Arco Oreo that can cause damage to a nation can NOT go thru the nation without permission and CERTAINLY not have Stealth armies in position INSIDE the borders of your foe when the nap expires.
I saw a mention of 'official' nap breakers (Arcane Nexus, Burden of time, Utter dark, etc (and there are more)....
But let me pose a question (this is actually happening in a game on here (starting of end game)right now.
There are about 6 nations left, 4 are very strong and vying for position and short treaty type agreements. 1 almost dead and ONE that is right in the middle and has no army to speak of or any deterrent at all, EXCEPT..he IS in the middle and separates the potential warring factions (kind of like Switzerland in WWII).
He cast Arcane Nexus and there was an uproar, but he asked this simple question...."Would you rather I had it with enough gems that it cant be over written or dispelled, Or would you guys rather one of the other nations have it (of course he promised not to give, loan to or help a faction in any way).
I suppose if he was attacked he could wreck the game by casting some pretty nasty spells (I think they call this the 'Doomsday Defence). But he couldn't win it anyway.
So before you lock in what a Nap is or isn't in your mind...what the conditions are or start declaring war brcause someone cast something...think about what works for you.
I personally have a reputation that I will NEVER stab anyone in the back, Makes it pretty easy for me in early game and midgame. Some will stab you in a heart beat or just take a Nap so you quit preparing to attack them while they start preparing to attack you...
So make your decisions based on your play style and how YOU want to play the game...just remember, although they say it stays inside the game, people remember when they play with you agian.
Hope this helps some of you, MY way isn't the best it just one way