Re: Kingdom of Angmar - Version 0.52 available
So I've been playing this mod a bit in SP. I'm just wondering, does anyone else feel like this nation is kind of wasting its death gems if it's not cranking out an endless supply of barrow wights with them? They bring a lot to the nation - magic diversity, mind hunt protection, decent thugs, reasonably effective battle mages, reanimators, and h2 priests if you really need them. At conj 4 there's not much reason NOT to go with these guys over building skull mentors because they get most of the research for the same cost while being much more versatile. The magic duel weakness is still pretty bad, but you can avoid this to an extent by only using the s2 ones as thugs with pearls and a starshine skullcap and script returning on your guys if necessary. I wonder if they almost do too much for you. What do other people think?
I'm also not really sure I get the use of the elite warriors. Gundabad warriors are pretty close to as good and way more massable. In fact they're pretty much your only massable armored unit. I just don't really see the point in building elite warriors, which you can only get half the number of. For me gundabad warriors basically make elite warriors useless.
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Last edited by rdonj; March 28th, 2010 at 07:29 PM..