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Old March 29th, 2010, 12:31 AM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Weird use of gems in battle?

Another misc. point: Cold-blooded creatures in the cold can get some pretty heavy encumbrance.

First time I read that bit on page 89, I also interpreted it to mean that at most one gem may be used for path boosting, and at most one may be used for fatigue reduction without path boosting. But I reread it just now, and yeah, the only thing it says about the limit to use of gems for fatigue reduction (without path boosting) is that the mage can't use more gems altogether than it has skill in the path. Well, this matches my experience--mages looove to burn up huge piles of gems! E5 mages spending three or more gems per earth elemental, etc. It's nice, at least, that mages are pretty reliable about using gems when you do want them to use gems, even if the casting will nearly kill them, though you can't trust them very well to save gems when you want them to save gems....
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