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Old March 29th, 2010, 03:44 PM

LumenPlacidum LumenPlacidum is offline
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Default Re: Kingdom of Angmar - Version 0.52 available

Well, you're not the only one to comment about the elite warriors vs. the regular ones, and people seemed to much prefer the regular warrior sprite (the elite is kinda crap). Maybe I'll just leave the elites out. Are the warriors good enough to recruit? I gave them a bit of a resource discount because of the salvaged nature of their armor, but it might have been too much.

As for the barrow wights, I do want them to be used, and I think they have enough problems with the extra fire damage, undead, and magic duel vulnerability. You're saying they're a good deal just for the research? Hmm, probably true. With a nation as research-starved as Angmar, though, it seems like they would need SOME way out. Also, the fact that you have to summon them with the Witch King (or a pretender) until you get the 1/4 random correct is a bit of a drawback, adding onto his already-extensive list of roles. If you have a possible suggestion for toning them down, I'd be glad to consider it.
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