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Old March 29th, 2010, 04:23 PM
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Default Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [full]

Great idea Grudge, I will update the first post accordingly!

Doo, renaming has already been enabled on Llama. So yes, you can have it.

To clarify a bit more in the 'buffer' I was talking about a few posts back (and as explained in the first post of this thread):
The 'buffer' I was talking about was the amound of turns you cannot commence hostile action against the other player after you have broken an alliance.
So if you want to cease having an alliance with player X, you notify him or her, then the 3 turns start where you cannot attack player X so he has some time to prepare and settle for the broken alliance.

This has nothing to do with NAPs. You make and brake NAP's just like Gudge suggested. You agree with the other player how you want your NAP and if its then registered on the forums its binding, if not you're on your own.
How many turns you want the NAP to hold is entirely up to the two players to decide amongst themselves.

First post is ammended accordingly. Feel free to post any questions.

I am all for the first 10 turns no hostilities pact myself as well. Including Grudge's tips to prevent the abuse rdonj was talking about.

Last edited by Yskonyn; March 29th, 2010 at 04:42 PM..
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