Re: List of games currently seeking players (Making a new game? Need Subs? Post Here!
I need a sub for a bit under a week for the following two games:-
mindblade - you will take charge of Middle Age Pangaea in this multi-era game. MA Pangaea is well placed and shouldn't need too much micro-management. Watch the borders whilst engaging in a war atgainst a single opponent on a relatively narrow front.
hurt_locker - you will take charge of Marveni being squeezed by two opponents, both of whom now have bloodied noses (which has probably just pissed them off), some interest will exist in keeping the brave armies of Marveni going forward on two short borders while keeping competitive in the research race. Druids rule - but are difficult to keep in the field and the lab simultaneously.
Will need to sub over the easter weekend and following 3 days whilst I head into the country side to chop trees out of a freezing cold creek for a holiday.
Please PM for details ...