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Old March 30th, 2010, 07:11 AM
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Default Re: EA Oceans of Land - (Noob game) [full]

Earcaraxe, I understand your point and sometimes you can OVER CORRECT for anything.

However, The binding part of the nap. You have never been in a game that an argument goes on in the game forum for 3 days and gets VERY bitter because someone has broken or misunderstood a Nap in the amount of turns or the provisions etc. It spoils the game for the rest of the people and sometimes brings in other comments that start bad blood.

So, most of us have found that the 'easiest' way to stop those kind of arguments is to put the Nap provisions (if any) and the amount of time in the forum for all to see...IF you want it to be 'binding'.

Just because it is in the forum doesn't mean someone WON'T break it, it just means that the Nap breaker is exposed for who he is, and some of the people will either put 'Sanctions' Financial or otherwise, hit him with spells like hurricane, monster boar, or outright take the side of the other Nation and break off ties and attack.

Depends on your outlook, but for the most part it goes to how you view that person when playing with him agian. I mean, even if you think it is ok to break a nap, you will still keep an eye out for him in another game. I guess that is all it does.

As far as the 10 turn rule goes, it is a 2 sided coin. Example, my first MP game I got the bad luck to be placed close to Argatha. I played Marverni and had Baal's guide in my lap and eager to go. On turn four, while my army was trying to get my expansion going and was away....Argatha stumbled upon my capitol and I was for the most part out of the game (I managed to last 12 turns). It was a miserable experience for a first game and I learned absouletly nothing except to perhaps be too cautious.

I have played in 2 10 turn Nap at start games, and both I think went well. While I agree with my friend Trumanator, I also think that it gives a new guy at least a chance to get going and maybe defend himself a little and see what it is all about.

Early rushers are early rushers, and they will just have more time to prepare. Turtles will still turtle and give them more time to prepare. And new guys will stumble around some and give them more time to find there balance.

So I guess it took a dissertation to say I agree with Yko's thinking. IF the majority wants it, we will have it, I can take care of myself either way so I have no axe to grind.

BTW, it is not MANDATORY that you put the Naps in the forum, just no whining if you get stabbed in the back if you have a private Nap. I myself usually have both kinds.
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