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Old March 30th, 2010, 02:28 PM

Rookierookie Rookierookie is offline
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Default Re: Why do my berserk commanders disappear after winning fights

Originally Posted by NTJedi View Post
Originally Posted by Bananadine View Post
WELL let's put it this way: There are some version discrepancies that cause errors, and some that don't, and I guess the game allows all kinds without protest. Bug!
Wait until you have your best supercombatant die on the battlefield because the battle round reached turn_75. All attackers are auto-killed on battle round_75.

As soon as it reaches 5pm(round_50) all attackers must retreat and as soon as it reaches 9pm(round_75) all attackers are instantly killed. Honestly it should be changed from instantly killed to instantly force an automatic retreat.

Also I'm certain if given the option most players would increase the current auto_retreat and auto_kill settings.
Had that happen. Fun. Enemy routed after 10 turns or so but had many exhausted units and I just couldn't kill them quick enough to win and lost my Pretender.

I've had many a bug-ridden battles against a Shedu in an SP game. In every replay I win the battle but lose my prophet commander, while on the map I lose the battle but the prophet is unharmed.
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