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Old March 31st, 2010, 02:32 AM

Posts: n/a
Default Re: Tophats - The Gentleman's Game

Its a bit overdue, but I would just like to salute Cleveland for his valiant defense against the Atlantian myriads.

Even though he staled a few times at the end, he still did an amazing job of slowing me down and seriously hurting my forces. Many Atlantian warriors still suffer from his insidious use of chemical warfare (foul vapors? I mean really, of all the spells that don't work underwater, this one actually does?)

He even slew my god and drove me from his capital a few times.

Anyway hats off to you sir Cleveland.

On another note, what's the deal with these gorgers? Every recent land battle I've seen has these ogre-gorgers spawning at the edge of the battlefield. It's a bug right? Does anyone else see this?
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