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Old March 31st, 2010, 07:33 AM

Digress Digress is offline
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Default Re: TASTE THE EXCITEMENT - two Games - two opportunities to sub on a short term basis

Time is getting a little tight now.

Games both still moving along nicely - if you want to experience the thrill of commanding a Marveni nation that has beaten off short lived rushes from Mictlan, Neifelheim and most recently T'ien Chi (though T'ien Chi ambled rather than rushed but the intent is there) HERE IS YOUR CHANCE
Marveni is moving to counter. Important research goals have been hit and pain is being dished out to opponents on a regular basis - play hurt_locker now.

mindblade - this game remains altogether more sedate. Use easily managed armies to force back a single opponent - chat to friendly powers on your short and defendable borders ... remind them, repeatably, of MA Pangaea's long history of good neighbourliness.
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