Thread: Guide Guide to communions
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Old March 31st, 2010, 09:26 PM
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Default Re: Guide to communions

So what your telling me is that ID is from top to bottom of the 27 Mystics. OK, what does the ID have to do with it other than identifying a certain mage.

I was under the impression that the CM HAD to be on the bottom of the communion. So from what you are saying I just script the top 8 mystics as CS and the ninth as CM 10-17 as CS #18 as CM.
19-26 as cs and 27 as CM.

This makes 3 communions? and the game knows to go UPWARD from the CM? say there was only 6 CS in the first one and 8 CS in the next two.

I am just trying to learn to set it up right now, I will learn the intricacies later.
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