April 2nd, 2010, 11:27 PM
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Re: NaV II Under Construction. Now Recruiting Captains!
Originally Posted by Septimius Severus
The problem is Maerlande, many experienced players may be too stilted. Too convinced that this way or that way is the ONLY way to play. Team games do require a bit more effort and a different way of thinking, and it may be that many just prefer playing the same old way they've been playing and won't consider alternative ideas and concepts that go beyond maybe changing a few game settings, or using random nation assignments. If that is the best we can come up with, with no real variety, tis a sad state of affairs. And many may just hold grudges outside of the game, and that is just wrong thinking and childish in my opinion.
Scruntlefut was a team game with a variety of settings beyond the norm. It has a sequel coming up. Veterans are happy to play in it. This is just one example of the many unusual or team based games veteran players are happy to take part in.